So the 600 photos I took during the ride will have to speak for me. The plan was to hit it on the fixed gear for a mellow three hour ride today. When I woke up there was snow everywhere - Plan B was in effect. What was plan B again? As long as it didn't in any way involve the trainer or the gym I was fine with whatever it was.
After several hours of procrastinating, crank swapping, seatpost and saddle swapping, cog swapping...I was ready to go.
After several hours of procrastinating, crank swapping, seatpost and saddle swapping, cog swapping...I was ready to go.

I had to take a nature break and I wanted to check out a small hill which when not entirely snow covered has a couple decent rock drops on the descent. Getting to the drops was an exercise in awkwardness and futility. I did make it over them a couple times but the end result wasn't exactly X Games worthy. Hiking back up the hill between "runs" let me know just how out of shape I am.

Coming back down the path into Davis Square the plowing was spotty. Ride on the trodden bits and you got rumbled all over the place, go off on the side and you were in deep snow. It was only a matter of time before I went down...more than once.
"That doesn't look easy" a woman said as I passed by. She was right. I came home little kid tired and hit the couch for the remainder of the day.

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I know the feeling.
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