Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hold It Now

Damn, can't remember the last time I didn't update the blawg for 18 days...maybe never. What can I say, I've been scrambling: trying to survive, painting, working on a bunch of bikes with the whole mobile bike repair thing, trying to get a "real" job, not-blogging, well no here-blogging, I have been blogging on the BikeRumor...big time.

I basically came over here today to announce that I'm going into 8 days of total radio silence, but 18 days without a peep...shit, like anyone would have noticed. Eh, I'd rather not come down here every day just to make excuses. I'll be back when I'm ready, hopefully that'll be soon.

Thanks to The Original Big Ring for reminding me that Big Bikes exists (that's his awesome sticker above). And thanks to Shanna at Endless Bikes for her continued support (and the huge socks that I can't wait to rock). She even threw a bag of Mountain Air Roasting beans in the box.

Oh, during radio silence there will be daily Race To NAHBS! interviews scheduled to go up on BikeRumor, so check those out. The interview with Mickey from Spooky Bikes will be up Monday's a good one. Craig Gaulzetti might be the only guy in the same league. If you haven't read his, you should check it out.

So ya, 8 days of radio silence, which may be followed by a yet to be determined period of further radio silence...or not, we'll see.


Raineman said...

Dear official Hipster.
It is strange how a blog about biking has become a blog about blogging. So many do.
Blogging is not a sport.
Good luck in your new career.
Yours - Al

the original big ring said...

You are most welcome.
