Friday, December 03, 2010

OK Fine, Reality Didn't LITERALLY Bite My Ear Off And Spit It In My Face

Uh, ya...about Wednesday's post. Sorry for making things sound so dramatic, because they're really not. Life is actually pretty good. Going, as they say, forward, I will be doing a lot more work over on the Bikerumor and a significant amount of work on Pedro's new blog. (We will have to do something about that godawful background). In fact, I will be leaving Monday, this Monday, for Bend, Oregon to work for Pedro's at Cross Nationals. I will be getting in a van with David Wilcox and Chandler Delinks, winner of the Pedro's GET IN THE VAN! contest.

All this will likely make the Big Bikes suffer for content, but who knows, I guess we'll see what happens.

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